Behold this truth – Your garden: in a container or in the earth; at home or at your business; small or large; wild, cultivated or a combination of both, will be a healing force around you and communicate your connection to the earth. Know, also, that it will touch and speak to others who are drawn to it and witness its beauty.
In Beauty ~ Margo
Designing & Creating intentional Sanctuaries for your very own Home Sweet Earth.
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While working on a three season installation for a client, I was asked “Why do you like working with flowers?” To which I immediately replied “Flowers make people happy.”
Your personal landscape needs to be intentionally designed, cultivated and tended to with the greatest of care. Only then will your little Home Sweet Earth support life beyond the ordinary, enhance your connection to beauty, and deepen your relationship to the Earth.
A well tended Garden will not only make others happy, it will also provide nourishment to the butterflies, honey bees, birds, earthworms, & spiders (just to name a few.) Truth be told, the Garden you love will nurture you, your family, your community, and All of Our Relations now and for the next 7 generations.
Your first on site visit conversation is complementary, and you are under no obligation to put me to work. If inspired, I will create a Garden to fulfill your vision by tapping into my passion for plants and the earth they will call home. I work with many styles, desires, purposes, spaces and budgets. After all, Gardens are like fingerprints, no two are alike! If it all feels right, I’d be honored to create a space that will become your very own Home Sweet Earth.