Nurturing life, at The Nest, with Fire, Feasting and Seasonal Celebrations.


The art of listening to the language of the living landscape in order to remember our place in the circle of life and bring what we gain into the service of benefiting of our relations.


Sisters of the 13 Moons       A Sacred circle for nurturing the Divine Feminine within, and the power of sisterhood. Inspired by the work of Jamie Sams, this is a monthly gathering focused on the sharing of Native American Wisdom through the storytelling tradition of her book “The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers.”


Intention:  We gather, creating a circle of women, as did our ancestors, for the purpose of connecting our heart to the heart of the Mother; one heart as women of the earth. 


Each circle will begin with ritual elements, continue with the tradition of storytelling and shared insights, and end with a pot luck feast.  You are welcomed to bring a drum, rattle, bell or any other expression of sound as inspired.


Dates for our 2023/2024 Lunar Year Gatherings:  Monday 2/20, Sunday 3/26, Saturday 4/22, Sunday 5/21, Saturday 6/18, Sunday 7/16, Saturday 8/19, Sunday 9/17, Saturday 10/14, Sunday 11/12, Saturday 12/16, Sunday 1/14/24 & Saturday 2/3/24.

When possible, gathering will take place at the outdoor medicine wheel. Please dress for that as each season invites you to.


Exchange:  Make an offering by bringing something from the earth as a gift to the host. 



Seasonal Celebrations          This year, we will follow the Celtic Wheel as its festivals, stories, and rituals offer opportunity for personal growth through conversation with the visible and invisible worlds.  Each festival celebration will include a hands on component as well as a pot luck “feast”.

To attend, an email RSVP is required.  Details will then be mailed to you.  I do hope you can join me for these truly special gatherings.  “Earth Focused Festival Celebrations”.

Imbolc:  Saturday, February 4th 5:00pm – 7:00pm – Planting the Seeds of our Dreams

Beltaine: Sunday, April 30th 3:00pm – 5:00pm – Gratitude to the Fairies

Lughnasad: Tuesday, August 1st 3:00pm – 5:00pm – Celebrating the work of the Sun / Reaping the Harvest

Samhain: Thursday, November 2nd 5:00pm – 7:00pm:  Honoring the Ancestors


Exchange:   Since these celebrations are meant to be collaboratively designed, a communicated intention to attend is essential.  Everyone will bring a pot luck dish to share at the feast, and also a ritual element, which will be celebration specific, and shared at the time of commitment.  For instance, it could be a candle, a stone, incense, etc.